So I've been off the blog posting grid for awhile...I started with H&R Block in mid-January. My first tax season consumed most of my time and if I wasn't thinking work, I was busy with my family. I'm betting that next year you won't hear from me much from January-April either. Now that it's post April 15th, I have time to dust off my home laptop and share again.
I left off talking about Kansas City's IABC's Business Communicator's Summit. Another social media shining star that I was lucky enough to present with, Jason Gretzen (@jginkc), leads Sprint's social media efforts. In his presentation, Jason shared his team's 2009 focus on: 1) Executive buy-in; 2) Meeting customers where they are online through Twitter (@sprintcare), Facebook, etc.; and, 3) Building internal brand advocates to help share the Sprint story everywhere.
<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_3852743"><strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px">Sprint Social Media Story: Customer Care</strong><div style="padding:5px 0 12px">View more presentations from Zena Weist.</div></div>