Sunday, January 23, 2011

Listen, respond and share

More and more I'm heads down with work and don't make time in the evenings and weekends to post. I need to make time because I need to practice what I preach which is listen, respond and share. We all (individual contributors, brands, agencies, partners) need to listen first. Active listening, respond (repeat first two repeatedly), then share value-based content. I need to do a better job at all three so I can help others do an amazing job at all three.

Over this weekend, I've been catching up on social media initiatives - campaigns, new public and private communities, influencer outreach strategies, etc. and in news posts the brands all come back to listen first. They listen to what the target is asking for and respond, then they share.

Are we listening and responding to the ask OR are we sharing for sharing sake or campaign sake? Is there a way to blend? That's the secret formula we all hope for, right?

Digging through my old blog posts and found this one, a bit rusty, but the premise of going where your customer is, actively listening, then responding still holds true.

Posted via email from zenaweist's posterous

1 comment:

Ken Burbary said...


What a timely post! I've been having the same thoughts. Which is why I'm making 2011 the year of back to the basics in some regards. Better balance of doing AND talking. Keep it up! hope we talk again soon.